Sunday, September 4, 2011

A new blog?

That's right. With marriage comes a new identity, politically (more details later), religiously, and virtually. Now that I'm a Morris, it doesn't seem right to continue blogging on G'Knight.

Get it? SMMorris-bord? Ah, I crack myself up.

We've been married almost 3 months. I still think about June 17, 2011 every day. Especially yesterday at Paul's wedding, which was absolutely beautiful.

Anyway, I will get to blog more now that we have internet finally, and let you know what we're up to. :)


  1. "When two become one..." glad to see you blogging again Mrs. Morris!

  2. I particularly like the umlaut usage. Gute arbeit.

  3. Your blog's title just oozes awesomeness.
